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Monthly Board Meeting - Venice Area Audubon

  • Tuesday, March 21, 2023
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Venice United Church of Christ, Parlor Room, 620 Shamrock Rd., Venice

Venice Area Audubon Society - Board Meeting

Venice Audubon Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. The schedule varies in the summer and due to holidays. The public is welcome to attend and may address the board at the beginning of the meeting. Board Meetings are held at the Venice United Church of Christ, Parlor Room, 620 Shamrock Blvd., Venice FL 34293.

All are welcome - members of the public as well as Venice Audubon Members.

Participants are strongly encouraged to follow current COVID-19 health and safety protocols.



Telephone: 941-496-8984

Sarasota County Call Center: 941-861-5000 (General information and directions)


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